The Breaking the 4th Wall with Smokey Jane...


If you don't mind...It won't MATTER..

This is Smokey Jane here
 on this fine after-Thanksgiving fiasco!

I'm here to give THANKS to all the good things happening my life AND in yours.

Not that I honestly give a shit about a fucked-up holiday of historical debauchery formulated into a traditional celebration of gluttony and hidden territorial barbarianism.
No, sir...
What I'm talking about can be celebrated all year round.
Wanna know what it is, boys and girls?
Here's a hint...

Did you know that being grateful is the BEST thing you could EVER do ANYTIME ANYWHERE?!?

For serious....

Why it only must be publicized once an illusuionary year?

My Goodness, I watch the friggin' news and what do I see?

I'll tell ya......It sho ain't the sale at the local Piggly Wiggly anymore.

How can I know that when I watch the news and pay attention to all the negative things going on in life..that I'm not helping the negative EXPAND?

It sure doesn't make me very pleased to watch yet another old lady get raped in her own home or some reckless PTSD victim beat their kids to death with the family cat.

It doesn't please me to see that shit on television after coming home from driving two hours in traffic.

Why wouldn't you choose to feel happy by watching or listening to something happy.

I don't know...maybe I'm crazier than I claim to be.

But, doesn't even the slightest amount of attention to something negative, make it THAT much more REAL?
You take in the energy of something not needed at the time.
and it slowly takes over your power of harmony.
Your strive for peace.

We are all connected.
But,we can only pay attention to one life at a time.
So pay attention to your life and stop living someone elses...

Do me THAT favor.

Be grateful for the good shit.

Have you ever heard of this expression..?

"Mind over matter, if you don't mind it, it won't matter"


Of COURSE you have, Silly!

If I pay attention to people treating me badly, I give THEM my attention.

And does anyone who makes you feel any less than your naturally happy state DESERVE your power?

HELL-to-the- NO!

So, my advice?

Be grateful for all the AWESOMENESS happening in your life!

And more will come..
I promise.

Now, get the fuck outta my face and go throw a frisbee or something...

Smokey Jane

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